Monday 26 September 2011

An apology

In last week's post, we were thrilled to report the winning of an award by our clients Warner bros. for their employee data privacy campaign.  We might have been a little over zealous in our post and claimed a bit too much credit, and for that we'd like to apologise.

Our work was strictly limited to the some of the communications items - a series of videos, campaign posters based on movie spoofs, web images etc. There was a wider body of work surrounding the programme including some materials and activities we didn't create.

We should have also asked before reporting this story in our blog.  Although the press release was (by definition) public, we should have checked with our client first. So we'd like to say sorry to anyone who was upset by this act of self promotion and hope that it's understood that we are simply very proud of our clients when they are recognised for undertaking bold, effective campaigns.

Next time, we'll engage the brain before firing up the mouthpiece. Promise.

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